Andrea Sawatzki’s sad dog look – for a good cause

Protest against illegal puppy trade.  Actress Andrea Sawatzki is against it

Protest against illegal puppy trade. Actress Andrea Sawatzki is against it Photo: Peta

From BZ

The illegal trade in puppies is still booming.

The Berlin actress and author Andrea Sawatzki (59, “Bundschuh family”) is committed to combating these lousy black market machinations.

She slipped into the role of an intimidated four-legged friend for the animal protection organization Peta. Together with the dog Romy, she sits in a filthy cardboard box, frightened. Locked up like countless dogs every day that are sold by dubious dealers.

Sawatzki: “If you want to adopt a dog, go to your local animal shelter or find out about reputable animal protection groups that can help with the placement.”


Andrea Sawatzki Berlin celebrities dogs PETA animal welfare
