André van Duin shares striking opinion about controversial Meilandjes

André van Duin is one of the few celebrities who hardly evokes angry reactions from anyone. Although he is not at all controversial, the presenter confesses that he is a fan of the controversial Meilandjes.

© RTL 4, Broadcasting MAX

Dutch celebrities who want to protect their image often don’t know how fast they have to run away from friendly colleagues who are discredited. When Martien, Erica and Maxime Meiland became discredited because of their views on Islam, it was suddenly no longer hip to be seen with them.

André is a Meiland fan

Presenter Robbert Rodenburg, for example, suddenly pretended that he was never friends with Maxime at all, while he had a close relationship with her. In fact, the Meilandjes owe their Talpa millions to him. Why did he distance himself from them during the Islam riot? Fear of being seen as wrong.

If anyone has a lot to lose, it is André van Duin with his impeccable image. Yet he likes to admit that despite the Islam riot, he is still a big fan of the Meilandjes. “Yes, of course! I have followed all episodes of Chateau Meiland. I really like that,” he says in the latest Weekend.

Sinking in nonsense

Especially in the period after the death of his husband, André has benefited a lot from the Meilandjes and their TV soap on SBS 6. “In my sad period, after the death of my husband Martin, the series has regularly dragged me through it. I could sink into the nonsense and nonsense they make, that was something different.”

That is why the Meilandjes have a special place in André’s heart. “It has definitely given me strength and a smile on my face.”

Also a fan of Carlo

Another one André likes to watch is Carlo Boszhard. “With De TV Kantine and programs like Married At First Sight. He has been doing a lot for a long time, on various fronts, I often think: handsome, well done. One is more fun than the other, but you can learn something from everyone.”

Finally, he mentions Beau van Erven Dorens and Matthijs van Nieuwkerk as his favorite presenters. “You can do well, but you can also be an annoying person. Those two aren’t at all. At least not the way I experience them, I think they are very pleasant and nice people.”
