‘André van Duin is disappointed with Story cover, is not getting married at all’

André van Duin is not happy with the cover story of weekly magazine Story that he would like to marry his new friend Fernando Reyes. At least, that’s what Evert Sankrediets of competitor Privé says.


The Story caused big show news this week. André van Duin announces in the magazine that he wants to marry Fernando Reyes, less than three years after the death of his previous husband Martin Elfrerink. The boss of the competing gossip magazine Privé, Evert Sankrediets, is now sowing some confusion about this.

wedding plans

André is very clear in the new Story. He says: “I am a man who wants certainties in his life. That is why Fernando and I have already gone to the notary to draw up a cohabitation contract.”

Then the comedian indicates that he does not think that is enough. “I would like to marry Fernando. For the romance, but then you have everything right in one go. We are very happy together. You better record that.”

Evert mixes

Private boss Evert Sankrediets states that it is all nonsense what is in the Story. He says he called André. “Yes, he says that he is indeed not getting married. He was at a premiere in Rotterdam last week and then someone said: ‘Are you getting married again?’ “Oh, oh, maybe someday,” he said.”

The magazine maker continues in the podcast Strictly Private: “Then it immediately became a cover cry from another magazine. Actually, that’s a bit painful for André. Less than two years ago, he was sitting on the couch with Martin telling me that Martin was short on time and was very ill.”

No marriage

There will be no marriage, according to Evert. “Fernando is the man in his life and has come back on his path like a miracle. He will certainly arrange it at some point, but it will certainly not be a wedding or a marriage. He asked me to emphasize that.”

According to Evert, André does not like the cover story of the Story at all. “He hopes that something that isn’t there won’t get too big in the media, because a marriage with André in a smart suit, that just doesn’t suit him.”


According to Evert, it will remain a matter of formalities. “I can imagine that he is very happy with his Fernando and wants to arrange it well for him, so they will go to the notary one morning and sign autographs there, but André van Duin with bridesmaids and bridesmaids, do you see it for yourself? you?!”

“He didn’t do that last time either. Then he also arranged it all neatly with Martin and that alone is reason enough not to make too much fuss about it.”


André’s management has simply confirmed his statements in the Story, namely to RTL Boulevard: “There is no proposal, no date and there is no guest list. But there are plans. However, these are not concrete yet.”
