André van der Zande appointed as Ambassador for Nature Inclusive | News item

News item | 14-10-2022 | 18:08

The new Ambassador for Nature Inclusive André van der Zande will play a leading role in the transition to a nature-inclusive society: a society in which everyone takes nature into account: how can nature help me and how can I strengthen nature? In this way we work together on a resilient nature that forms the basis for a healthy and pleasant living environment.

André van der Zande will work with leaders from sectors such as construction, energy, agriculture, education and water to implement the Nature Inclusive 1.0 Agenda adopted in June. The joint effort of the sectors brings a nature-inclusive society closer. For example, a nature-inclusive city can contain more greenery to prevent heat stress and store water to prevent nuisance and maintain the groundwater level. There are also more sustainable homes in neighborhoods made of natural materials, which offer good conditions for the life of plants and animals. Finally, there is green space for relaxation and a healthy living environment for the inhabitants of the city.

Flying start

With the appointment of ambassador Van der Zande, the implementation of the agenda is given extra power. Van der Zande: “Realizing a truly nature-inclusive society requires patience. But a flying start has been made with a large network and an enthusiastic team is ready. Those are the right conditions to get started with each other now.”

More information

Check out the website of Agenda Nature Inclusive For more information. There is also a personal interview with ambassador André van der Zande.

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Image: ©Fred Ernst
