‘André Hazes jr. will still support Rox in the fight against Rachel’

A source from Privé knows for sure: André Hazes jr. will still support his sister Roxeanne in her legal battle against their mother Rachel. “There have certainly been conversations about it.”


It seems that Rachel Hazes falsely pretends to be the heiress of the late André Hazes and has been raking in millions of euros in this way for years, at the expense of her children André jr. and Roxeanne. Rox now wants to put a stop to that and that is why she has taken her mother to court, but where is André in this story?

Aloof Andre

André remains aloof for the time being. “I deliberately don’t get involved, you know? I work for my own money and I’m very proud of that and I’ve never thought of anything like an inheritance, so I just really want to leave it out, preferably,” he said last month.

And that is a bit strange, says Private boss Evert Santegoeds. He previously commented: “It’s also about his inheritance, about his money, and if there’s money to be had somewhere, you’d be crazy not to get it, especially if family relations are already broken.”

Sensitive boy

A Hazes source points out today in the latest Privately note that André is just a sensitive boy. “Of course he knows that what his mother has done is not right. André thinks it’s a difficult situation. He broke up with his mother for a reason. Yet he still has a certain feeling about her.”

André, who does not want to say what he is currently fighting with Rachel about, would nevertheless be grateful to her for the way she has taken care of him after his stay in rehab. “During this period, Rachel has been there for her son day and night.”

Contact Rox

Yet André would now also realize what his mother Rachel has kept secret for years. “There have certainly been conversations about it between Rox and her brother. The contact was good, but is now somewhat clouded again, but it is not the case that they no longer speak to each other at all.”

According to the Hazes source, it seems that André and Rox are going to unite. “There is a good chance that he will eventually fully support his sister again. Also because the relationship between André and Monique is completely good again, this will not last long. The bond between Monique and her sister-in-law has always remained good, despite the couple’s struggles.”

The latest Private is in stores from today.
