“André Hazes Jr. should never have reconciled with Rachel”

André Hazes Jr. has committed a huge misstep by settling the quarrel with his mother Rachel Hazes. That is what Stanley Hazes, the nephew of the late André Hazes, says in conversation with the Weekend.

© Nick van Ormondt / William Rutten

For a long time, André Hazes Jr. and his mother Rachel Hazes had quarreled with each other because of his relationship with Monique Westenberg. Mother and son are now two hands on one stomach again: André has even sided with Rachel in her quarrel with his sister Roxeanne, who is seen as the only normal Hazes.

Done with Rachel

It has been a huge misstep on the part of André to make amends with his mother, says Stanley Hazes. He is the nephew of the late André Hazes and they spent a lot of time together in their youth. “I think people are a bit fed up with Rachel. Always that stuff in the media, then she doesn’t hang out with her son, then with her daughter, with her father…”

He continues in the Weekend: “The real Hazes fans from the past know what it’s like. They have nothing to do with Rachel. Some, who only became fans of the late André in recent years, don’t even know that he had other children besides André and Roxeanne. What is happening now has nothing to do with the real Hazes. His legacy has been squandered.”

‘She milks everything’

Rachel is also behind the lucrative Holland Zingt Hazes concerts. Roxeanne is now stopping, most likely because of the argument with Rachel. To boost ticket sales, she therefore hastily pushed André to announce his return to the spotlight and at the Holland Zingt Hazes concerts. “Rachel milks everything out,” says Stanley.

Rachel also recently posted a cake on Instagram to celebrate André being clean for a year. “Is it unbelievable? They have to protect him from themselves. I feel bad for that boy. The biggest blunder he could make is that he contacted his mother again, because he was doing well.”

‘He’s doing well’

Stanley hopes that André will find his way back up despite Rachel. “I hope he recovers and makes beautiful music. He has some nice songs, although of course he is not his father.”

“Old André really felt when he sang his songs, his son doesn’t have that. But he is doing very well.”


Stanley Hazes on Instagram:
