André Hazes Jr. seems to have been evicted by Rachel: ‘Angry about Monique’

It seems that André Hazes Jr. has been kicked out of the house by his mother Rachel. That has just been brought out by Yvonne Coldeweijer, an authority in the field of Hazes news.

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Yvonne Coldeweijer is the most important source of reliable news about the Hazes family. Last week André Hazes Jr. released his five-part documentary series on Videoland and that seems to be a kind of film adaptation of Yvonne’s Insta feed. Just about everything she has said over the past year and a half is almost one-on-one in the series.

put on the street

And the Hazes soap will continue after the release of that docuseries. Yvonne brings the news this morning that André would have been kicked out by his infamous mother Rachel. “Rachel kicked André out of the house! I almost didn’t believe it at first, but it’s true. Confirmed from several sides,” she says on her juice channel.

Rachel would be angry about how rude André is about his last fling. “Rachel thinks it’s ridiculous how he treated his last girlfriend Sarah Salah. That he asked her mother for her hand last Friday and then completely let her fall for Monique after a weekend at Disney.”

Search for help

According to Yvonne, Rachel has had enough. “Rachel has said that Dré should seek help for this behavior. Didn’t think I’d ever put those words in my mouth, but Rachel’s really right this time. André is currently crashing at Djarno.”

Or not? “Omg. André’s car was spotted in front of Monique last night,” she reports a little later.

Angry about Mo

Incidentally, Rachel’s real anger lies elsewhere, Yvonne knows. “It sounds very sympathetic that Rachel is standing up for Sarah Salah, but I actually think there is something else behind it.”

She continues: “Rachel doesn’t care how Monique got out of that documentary, as a kind of heroine. She is terrified that André now wants to return to Monique. Hence this action I think.”

love reunion

The reason André dumped his last fling could have to do with his desire to be in Monique’s arms again.

Private boss Evert Sankrediets has the same information: “Monique has been in therapy with the same woman where Leontine Borsato has also been under treatment for a long time. It certainly looks like they’re going to try again.”
