André Hazes Jr. picks up career again: ‘Addictions conquered’

André Hazes Jr. is picking up his singing career again after a prolonged media silence of one year. “I have now overcome many addictions, but not the addiction to being allowed to sing.”

© William Rutten

A year ago André Hazes Jr. disappeared from the scene quite abruptly. Officially because he had an ’emotional burnout’, but thanks to Yvonne Coldeweijer it soon became clear that the singer was kicking alcohol and drugs. That was denied all along, but after a year the folk singer confesses that he was struggling with addictions.

Back in spotlights

It is time to return, says André. “Dear people, the moment has come for me to break the silence of recent times and I therefore now share with you how I have been during the past period, and how I am doing now. I was in the darkest period of my life.”

He continues: “I lost myself trying to please everyone around me. When I tried to find myself again, I lost more and more people. I started looking for professional help because I needed it so much at the time. Just all the way back to basics in a search for myself.”

“Finding out who I really am, what I want in my life and finding out what REALLY makes me happy (and what doesn’t).”


André confesses for the first time that he was an addict. “I’m cold turkey I stopped demolishing my body and I consciously opted for a long media silence. Not because I wanted to disappoint you, my fans, but to create a period of peace. Something that I was really ready for and because of which things are going well for me now.”

He continues: “My documentary Crossroads will also be released on Videoland shortly. I show my most vulnerable side and believe me this was tough. I’ve come a long way and you deserve an honest documentary.”

Holland Sings Hazes

André has plenty of energy to sing again. “I have overcome many addictions, but I will never get rid of the addiction to be able to sing for my fans. I’ve missed you guys so much and can’t wait to make my comeback. And where else could that be than at Holland Zingt Hazes 2023.”

He concludes: “I am really looking forward to being able to sing again for the most loyal audience there is. Much love and happiness, André.”

What does hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer think about this? She says: “The PR machine is running at full speed again; the documentary is a run-up to his comeback with Holland Zingt Hazes.”


Andre’s statement:
