‘André Hazes Jr. just has to go to a psychiatric institution’

The way in which André Hazes Jr. has dominated the show news for a long time astonishes Maarten van Rossem. According to him, the folk singer is ripe for admission to a psychiatric institution.


Maarten van Rossem also gets a bit of information about what goes on on the juice channels. For a long time, André Hazes Jr. was the favorite topic on this channels, but nowadays we hear very little of him. And that’s a good thing, according to the jury member of De Slimste Mens.

Mental hospital

Maarten is seriously concerned about what he hears about types like André through juice channels. “All those weird people it’s about… Wouldn’t it be wiser to put André Hazes’ son in a psychiatric institution? I think so. But he plays a prominent role in this world,” he says in his podcast.

All those juice he thinks it is nonsensical about André. “Shall I tell you what I think? It doesn’t interest me at all. Total zero. Anyone can cheat on me until he hangs upside down. What the hell do we even care that Waylon is cheating? Then you’re a cracker if you find that interesting? Then you’re not so good, are you?”

Totally changed

According to Maarten, the media are also becoming increasingly feeble-minded. “The role of the media has completely changed. Yvonne Coldeweijer has become a prominent Dutch woman. (…) She is an influencer. Yes, juice. That means juice. That’s right, it is unpleasant juice, it is poisonous juice.”

He denounces the juice channels. “RTL Boulevard and Shownieuws turned out to be just too neat again and this (the juice channels, ed.) is completely without any form of check or double check. Without any kind of hearing and adversity, you just go nuts.”


Maarten does not know many of the celebrities that the juice channels write about. “It’s always about famous Dutch people I’ve never heard of. There are a few famous Dutch people of whom you think: yes, I know them. But this is often about… It’s a mystery to me. Then I read: ‘Froukje Jansen is expecting a baby.’”

“Then I think: who the hell is that? Why should I know that? And what do I care? As far as I’m concerned, she’s going to have seventeen children, I don’t care at all.”


Martin’s podcast:
