‘André Hazes Jr. is working on a great comeback in America’

André Hazes Jr. has been in the United States so often in the past six months, because he finds inspiration there for a major comeback. That is what ‘a well-established source’ says to the weekly magazine Privé.

© William Rutten

Recently André Hazes Jr. can often be found in America, but what exactly is behind that? A ‘well-entered source’ blows out of the school in the weekly Privé. “Everything he does has a purpose. André is not only looking for his own new life, but also that of his career.”

Andre in America

André wants to find inspiration on the other side of the ocean. “In America he has looked at how he can return better and bigger than ever at the end of the year. He wants to get back on the map from a deep valley. But with new music and ideas that have to be the same.”

Work is underway, the source said. “It seems calm around André, but behind the scenes we are already working on a great comeback. And the fans want that too. He still has a huge following, who would rather see him perform again yesterday than today.”

Exciting development

It’s an exciting development, the source said. “This whole process is recorded by a permanent cameraman, who travels with him. Just before his comeback, this documentary will be broadcast on television. And then you will see what difficult road André has taken, but also how intense his childhood really was.”

What does hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer say about this? She reported last Friday that André flew to Boston that day. “Lately he has been making a lot of trips to America to film for his documentary. He seems to be working towards a comeback, simultaneously with the release of the documentary. It is unknown when this is planned.”
