‘André Hazes Jr. is not allowed to rest by the media, really bad!’

Cheeru Mampaey, the Flemish lady who made the docuseries about André Hazes Jr., finds it appalling that the folk singer is so under a magnifying glass from the media. “Really so bad!”


André Hazes Jr. is currently in the news because he has released a five-part documentary series on Videoland, in which his entire private life is published. And yet Cheeru Mampaey, the maker of the documentary, dares to complain that the folk singer gets so much media attention.

“Give him rest!”

Cheeru, who has become good friends with André, feels very sorry for him. That boy just needs rest, she explains in the AD. “André sets very high standards for himself. He wants to be the best singer, but has to compete with a father who was a great hero. He has fear of failure. The media also contribute to that pressure.”

The media is very busy, says Cheeru. “Everything he does is commented on. For a year André has not posted anything on social media, given no show or interview, yet he is in the newspaper every day. He is not allowed to rest. I really like that. The general perception of him is so wrong.”


André throws his whole life on the street in a five-part docuseries, but does he want to be left alone by the media? Very special. Does Cheeru have anything more to complain about the media? Yes. “He is very often portrayed as a shallow, brash boy. A whistle blower. But he’s everything the media doesn’t see.”

Oh how? “He is super friendly, super loyal to people he works with. I don’t know anyone as polite as André. When he comes in somewhere, he shakes everyone’s hand, knows everyone’s name. It is someone who thinks a lot. A perfectionist.”


Cheeru is crazy about André. “In any case, I want to show the man with whom I have become very good friends over the past two years. We call and text every day. I just understand him very well.”

Doesn’t that get in the way of her objectivity as a maker? “I know him so well. I’m not afraid to say: this is really bullshit what you are saying. Come on, be honest.”
