“André Hazes Jr. and Monique want to cash in with soap about wedding”

André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg want to cash in on the sale of a soap opera about their upcoming wedding. Hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer understood this from insiders.

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Monique Westenberg left for the United States more than a month ago with her son to visit her on-again, off-again fiance André Hazes Jr. The goal was “to see what shape we need as a family” and she only got back from their love journey yesterday. According to insiders, it is very much on again.

Getting married again

The renowned hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer has understood that the two have completely found each other again during their American tour. “But it is also true that they are going to get married before the end of this year,” she says in a juice video for the members of her paid Telegram chat

Monique is currently not married to André and he can therefore just decide to sell the villa where she and their son live, without her being entitled to anything. A wedding is ‘a tough demand’ from Monique if he wants her back, Yvonne knows.

Sell ​​wedding

Many people think that André has completely changed as a person and is no longer waiting for attention, but according to Yvonne, nothing could be further from the truth. After all, he has been working on a documentary for a year that will soon be shown on Videoland and by making a grand comeback after a long media break, he hopes for the Adele effect.

In addition, André and Monique are now trying to rake in a lot of money by selling a soap series about their wedding, Yvonne reveals. “They have come up with the idea: we are going to make a kind of commercial TV in the run-up to the wedding.”

Need money

Everything will pass in there, says Yvonne. She then talks about trying on dresses, choosing cakes and all the other preparations. “And they want to sell that to a channel.”

Not surprising, because according to her André could use some knacks. “Because André hasn’t earned any money for 2.5 years, has he? Nothing comes in anymore, so he has to.”


Incidentally, Yvonne wonders whether the Netherlands still finds such a real-life soap so ‘cute’ after André’s hopping from woman to woman. She thinks the shine is a bit off.

The latest episode of Yvonne’s Popcorn Show can only be seen behind the paywall. For that people have to join from her Telegram chat.
