André Hazes jr. after recruiting votes still welcome at Jan Smit?

Is André Hazes jr. still welcome at the Gouden Televizier-Ring Gala presented by Jan Smit now that he has recruited votes at the Dutch Valley festival? The organization responds…

© RTL, AvroTros

Whether or not it is allowed according to the regulations: André Hazes jr.’s initiative to hire four (!) ladies to recruit votes for the Televizier election during his performance at the Dutch Valley festival is downright embarrassing. The fact that he has the illusion that his Videoland real life soap deserves the country’s most important TV prize is quite megalomaniac.

“Is this allowed?”

Bart Ettekoven, former editor-in-chief of Weekend, also finds it striking. He says in Show news: “Of course there was a lot of criticism. People think: is this allowed?! What is this about?! Do you really have to position yourself that way? I mean, people just have to vote or don’t.”

He continues: “You can say something on your socials once or twice… We checked with the organization and they say that the regulations state that you can be promoted, but that no reward or consideration is allowed in return. to stand. That is of course not the case in this case.”

Aggressive Andre

Bart doesn’t think this is very innocent either. “I think it’s a fairly aggressive way of recruiting votes if you immediately push an iPad under someone’s nose like: ‘Here you can enter your email address and press here.’ I still think it is a fairly aggressive way, but André’s action complies with the regulations, although he is on the edge.”

Will the Televizier intervene? “We asked: ‘Isn’t it time to tighten up those rules or take a critical look at them?’ They thought this was no reason. There is a lot of criticism from the country. People really like it a lot and that is remarkable in itself, because votes have been recruited quite vigorously for a number of years.”

Hysterical Beavers

It is not the first time that a celebrity has hysterically campaigned, says Bart. “We can all remember the gentlemen of VI who did that in the TV show, but do you remember De Bevers last year?”

Presenter Tooske Ragas summarizes: “You may recruit, but you may not give anything in return.”

Evert Santegoeds: “It seems a bit desperate now.”

Sandra Schuurhof: “Yes, that you hire a team to ask Dance Valley: ‘Vote for André Hazes!’ Yes…”
