André Hazes: ‘I’m almost ready to perform again’ | show

André Hazes is ‘almost ready’ to be back on stage for his fans. The 28-year-old singer writes this on Instagram a day after the documentary ‘André Hazes’ about his life was published. “We are working hard for that,” said the 28-year-old singer.

Hazes also thanks his fans for ‘all the patience and trust’. ,,The Hazes audience is the best audience there is. That has proven itself again. You have my eternal respect and I love you.” The singer emptied his agenda in September 2021 because he was struggling with a burnout.

The singer says he receives so many messages as a result of his documentary that he does not know what he is experiencing. ,,I read them all and they give a lot of strength. There are so many people who feel what I went through. Those who recognize it themselves, or who have experienced it with a family member. I sincerely hope that I can encourage these people with this document. That working on yourself is something nice and nothing to be ashamed of. I am grateful to have finished this documentary. It’s a wake-up call that I never want to go back to such a life. Want to do everything else. And your support feels really nice.”

In the documentary Hazes reveals that he has struggled with drinking and drug problems, that he self-mutilated and that he had an eating disorder. He also elaborates on the love between him and Monique Westenberg, with whom he has a son, and his relationship with mother Rachel Hazes.

read here the entire interview with documentary maker Cheeru Mampaey: ‘Andre Hazes is not allowed to rest, I think that’s so bad’

Also listen to the AD Media Podcast with Johnny de Mol this week, Khalid Kasem’s interview with Derk Bolt, the André Hazes documentary and Kamp van Koningsbrugge with famous citizens. Listen below or subscribe via Spotify or iTunes.

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