André and Monique on Private cover after espionage action in Florida: ‘They lie!’

André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg are big on the cover of Privé today. The tabloid has sent a two-man team to America to spy on them, and guess what? “They lie!”

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André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg’s one-month tour through the United States has come to an end. She visited him in America with the aim of ‘seeing what form we need as a family’ and according to hazologist Yvonne Coldeweijer that form has now been found. She reported last week that the two want to get married again.

Renewed love happiness

The rumor of Yvonne was emphatically denied by Monique on Sunday: “Man, so much nonsense is taken for truth these days!”. But Yvonne won’t let that put her off. According to her, they are a very clever couple and the announcement of their newfound happiness in love is part of a PR plan.

André will come to Videoland with a documentary after the summer and it would have been agreed to only then announce that the two are back together. Yvonne’s story is now supported by the Privé weekly.

Espionage by Private

De Privé has sent a team of two to Florida – reporter Edwin Bredius and photographer Wesley de Wit – to spy on André and Monique. They all secretly took pictures last Tuesday, May 3, when the two were poolside at the Melia Resort in Orlando.

André and Monique can’t keep their hands off each other in the photos. In one of the photos, they are even intimately entwined. The gossip magazine’s conclusion? “Private witnessed the reconciliation that will once again give the Netherlands a lot of food for discussion. Because who, after all, expected this?”

Evert responds

Who expected this? Well, at least Yvonne’s followers. De Privé now only provides proof of her story. Editor-in-chief Evert Sanwaarden says in Shownieuws: “What Monique did this week, denying that there is a reconciliation again, makes no sense at all, because they are just the same lovebirds as before.”

Why do André and Monique lie about this according to him? “I think they have a deal with Videoland.”

Albert Verlinde: “Isn’t that sad if you base your private life on a soap that you are going to broadcast on Videoland? That doesn’t sound very healthy, does it?”

Three quarters

Finally: how were André and Monique tracked down by the Privé? “A little more than a week ago we received a tip where André Hazes and Monique Westenberg were staying in that enormous America. Then it’s searching. Then a photographer and a reporter go there and look for the needle in the haystack,” said Evert.

And then? “The miraculous thing happened that we had found them within 45 minutes near Orlando in a hotel where you wouldn’t really look for them and where there are hardly any Dutch people. They felt completely unwatched in that pool, but they had overlooked our photographer.”

The result is now on the Private cover. “It is indeed thick.”

Private cover

You can see the cover of the new Privé below. The long read on the Telegraaf site read here
