‘André and Monique hardly see each other’

Story boss Guido den Aantrekker, who was once asked by André Hazes jr. to become his stepfather, states that the singer only sees his beloved Monique Westenberg for one and a half days a week.

© William Rutten, SBS

André Hazes Jr. states that he is completely madly in love with Monique Westenberg again and that he wants to propose to his flashing light fiancée again, but according to Guido den Aantrekker, the two hardly see each other in practice. The Story boss, who is seen as the media ally of André and Rachel Hazes, has little faith in it.

‘Hold My Heart’

Does Guido think it will come to a marriage after all? He says in Show news: “Of course that is entirely up to them. I’m pretty level-headed about that, in the sense that I think, if you leave someone three times because you’re not happy… you might not be able to blame that entirely on the fact that you were addicted to all sorts of things.”

He continues: “I absolutely give it to them and I also think that Monique is someone who suits him very well in that respect, but I hold my breath a bit. He’s in a bit of that euphoria right now, of course, but I think they technically see each other about a day and a half a week. Is that sufficient basis to tackle it completely?”

‘Don’t get married right away’

Time will tell, says Guido. “He has to do it too, doesn’t he? You can say it every time, but you also have to prove it and you can’t do that in a few months. If Monique is sensible – and I think she is – she will just look at it for a while. It would be complete nonsense if they were to get married within a quarter of course.”

André is currently fully promoting his new music, but his new singles are not catching on. What does Guido think of that? He is annoyed by the criticism. “It is apparently assumed that his first song must be a huge hit right away, right?”

Big achievement

According to Guido, that is not necessary at all. “If you look at where he comes from and what he has achieved, I think it is already a great achievement that he can sing such a song with conviction.”

But a place in the lower regions of the Top 40 has to be there, right? He can’t even do that with all that bombardment. “He has never been in the Top 40 with his music, so that comparison is a bit flawed.”

Very best

What André himself thinks about his musical flop? On Radio 538: “Yes, look… I’ve been saying to myself for ten years: I want to be the very best and the greatest in everything I do. I can go a long way in that too. I have now learned to be realistic.”

He concludes: “In my head, Ahoy must be sold out within an hour. That single must be number one in the Top 40 within a week. But I’ve never been in the Top 40, you know? I also have to be realistic about: is that now for me?

So no.
