André and Mo indeed with son on Story cover: ‘Conceived’

André Hazes jr. and Monique Westenberg are indeed on the Story cover with their son. The reader sees how they walk hand in hand with him to his new school. “This is concocted!”

© Videoland

The well-known paparazzo Edwin Smulders was spotted on Monday at the new school of the son of André Hazes Jr. and Monique Westenberg. And indeed: the trio is on the cover of the latest Story today. For a moment, it was disgraceful that Edwin was lying there in the bushes, but the photos betray that the agreed work is.

cooked up

The photos of André, Monique and their son look much too posed and André also has a good relationship with both Edwin and the editor-in-chief of the Story, Guido den Aantrekker. He even once asked Guido to be his stepfather, so an app would have been enough to keep the paparazzo at bay.

Story chooses the headline ‘With André Hazes & Monique at Dreetjes new school!’, which of course also indicates a collaboration, says the juice channel Reality FBI. “You almost think they cooked it up together. 🤔 Especially the title. ‘Of’…”


Why would André and Monique use their son for this? Publicity? “Seems like they want to cut a good figure, in connection with the closed compulsory education case that is pending today. ‘Look at us going to school well’.”

The compulsory education case against André and Monique – they took their son out of school much too early last year to go on a nice trip, without permission – is due today. They may get a criminal record, probably a fine. “André has to sing for about two minutes to pay the fine of 900 euros”, has The Telegraph calculated.

‘Called Edwin myself’

The one-two punch with the Story therefore seems to serve mainly image-technical reasons. “So they called Edwin themselves because they wanted to be on the cover?” Yvonne Coldeweijer writes on her juice channel. “And then complain if he doesn’t want to publish it, because parents have complained to the school. What a joke.”

About the compulsory education case because of their vacation to Florida last year, Yvonne writes: “Was filmed there for the documentary? Because a child is only allowed to ‘work’ 6 days a year, so be filmed for the documentary, otherwise it falls under child labour. 👀 Wondering if the judge is interested in this.”

Stomach ache

Critics argue that André and Monique have had their son switch schools because of their conflict with the previous school board, and that this is not in their son’s best interest. Monique denies herself. Story writes about this: “Dré would not have felt out of place at his previous school.”

What exactly did that previous school do with their son? “According to Monique, he got stomachaches and strange nervous twitches. That disappeared like snow in the sun during the summer holidays.”

And now at his new school? “His stomach ache was gone and he was laughing and playing with his new ball.”

Resolved again.

Story cover

The cover of the new Story:
