Andorra opens its first large casino this Saturday

The first Andorra’s great casino is ready to open its doors this Saturday after a long regulatory and award process to the company Jocs SA. The play area is integrated into the new leisure center ‘Unnic’, which has several entertainment and restaurant spaces. Some 200 people work in these facilities and it is estimated that they also generate half a thousand jobs indirectly. From the equipment they indicate that they expect to receive some 189,000 visitors during the first year of operation, taking into account that the Principality It has about 80,000 inhabitants and receives about 8.6 million tourists each year. They also believe that it will complement the ski and trade offer, also taking into account the importance of the hotel and financial sector.

Andorra could participate

The general director of Unnic, Ivan Armengod, assures that they have been working for a long time to make this project a reality, devised with a concept of a global leisure and entertainment center with four restaurants, gaming areas, business spaces and shows, among others. . That is why he believes that there may be “positive surprises”, taking into account the expectations that are being generated.

Armengod explains that in many of the spaces in the ‘Unnic’ center you can enter without identification, such as showrooms, cocktails and restaurants. This, instead, will be necessary to access the play area. It also indicates that the opening hours will be very broad, from 11 in the morning to 3 or 4 in the morning depending on the day. On the other hand, the main difference with respect to the bingo that already works in the Principality is that the casino incorporates roulette, poker and blackjack tables, among others.

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Once the equipment is in operation, in a few days the possibility that the Andorran population acquires a part of the shares of the company, up to 10%. The first idea of ​​setting up a casino in Andorra came from a French businessman in 1849.

Years later, in 1873, a more concrete project would come to light, but these initiatives ended up being rejected. The center, with an area of ​​7,500 square meters and 155 game positions, has received an investment of more than 25 million euros.
