Andijk takes action: 2500 euros for duped family after house fire

A benefit campaign for the family affected by last month’s house fire has raised at least 2,500 euros. In sports hall De Klamp there were various activities with all proceeds for the Woestenburg family. “Fantastic how you can be supported by the community.”

There is a dance performance in the sports hall and the orchestra, of which Woestenburg is also a part, performs. In addition, there are various games to play, an assault course and various food and drink stalls. And the lottery sales are also booming. It is clear: Andijk sympathizes with the family of Daan Woestenburg.

The unintentional protagonist watches it all with amazement. The last three weeks have been very intense due to the fire. The family with two children – the third is on the way – lost their house, all belongings in one fell swoop and the dog also did not survive the fire. “When you’re here and you see what people are doing for us, it’s very cool, very special. Heartwarming,” says Daan.

Lost at home

“You have not only lost your house, but also your home. That is very difficult,” he says about the impact. “We are insured, so hopefully that covers a large part. But you also miss a lot of everyday things. Children’s toys, for example. It will be difficult financially anyway, because my wife worked from home as a childminder. She can certainly do that now. Don’t do it for years, so that income will disappear. So this benefit is very welcome.”

Carola Dubbeldeman and Joyce Hordijk came into action almost immediately after the fire and came up with the benefit. The project was set up by the parents’ council of the Kuyperschool. “Everyone wants to do something, everyone wants to help. That’s fantastic to see. We had no idea what to expect from it. But when we see what is happening here, it makes me a little proud. Proud of Andijk too. “

The 7-year-old Kiki Kolenberg also did not sit still. Together with Nya Schyuitemaker, she went door to door to collect empty bottles. Crafts were sold to the neighbors. Yield: 19 euros. “I thought it was sad that they lost their house. With the money they can buy new things. Things they like.”

In the meantime, Daan is preparing for the performance with the orchestra. Music is a distraction, even now. “We are very grateful, but it is very uncomfortable to be here. It is a crazy idea that all these people are all here for us.”
