Andalusian elections | The veto of Teresa Rodríguez shows unity of the nationalist left outside United We Can

05/28/2022 at 01:35


The I veto the candidate of Adelante Andalucía, Teresa Rodríguez, after Por Andalucía, the other party on the Andalusian left, has appealed to the Electoral Board for her presence in the debates and the coverage of the public media, has raised a wave of solidarity in the nationalist parties of the left with presence in Congress and the Senate, many partners of the investiture of the Government of Pedro Sánchez.

ERC, BNG, Compromís, EH Bildu, CUP, Mes Per Mallorca or Geroa Bai show their support for the leader of Adelante and regret that Por Andalucía uses its space in the debates and thus “benefit” the extreme right of Vox. The still photo is interesting because it focuses on all the left that is left out of Podemos and IU and puts Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who begins a process of active listening under the brand ‘Sumar’ to unite all forces, in front of the mirror of all the groups that compete for the same electoral space. A constellation of nationalist leftist forces, with their own voice in Madrid, which makes the political puzzle in which the vice president works on that side of the PSOE even more complicated, as reported by El Periódico de España.

The only thing that possibly remains for Teresa Rodríguez, except for the surprise of the Electoral Board, is the right to kick. It is what she did with a thread on Twitter where she showed all the parties that have supported her in this new war of the Andalusian left. Those forces of the nationalist left, which are key to the survival of the Government of PSOE and United We Can, aligned themselves without hesitation with the candidate of Adelante Andalucía. They criticized that the lack of pluralism, that “turn a blind eye to a fascist candidate & rdquor ;, alluding to the Vox candidate, Macarena Olona, ​​and her admission despite a possible fraud in the municipal register, denounced that it is allowed to “overrepresent & rdquor ; on the right, they denounced “a petty operation & rdquor; United We Can, claimed the role of the left “without state obedience & rdquor; and they accused Por Andalucía of “making the wrong adversary or trench & rdquor ;. The third vice president of Congress, Gloria Elizo, and former deputy Alberto Rodríguez, both from Podemos, also supported Rodríguez. Both have been very critical of the drift of Podemos in recent times and in the case of Elizo, many take her departure from the party for granted.

The division in the Andalusian left comes from afar. The departure of Teresa Rodríguez from Podemos unleashed a civil war that ended with his expulsion of the Andalusian parliamentary group. With her, another eleven deputies were expelled with a controversial interpretation, appealed to the Constitutional Court, of a new anti-transfuguism pact. The fight was so hard that when the confluence of the entire left outside the PSOE in Andalusia began to be negotiated, and despite the fact that Rodríguez admitted that the mediators’ offer was interesting, nobody believed that the wounds could be sewn. That’s how it went. Rodríguez, who kept the mark of Adelante Andalucía, with which IU and Podemos concurred together in the last Andalusians, and made it clear that he was on his own. His former teammates joined in Por Andalucía, with an in extremis negotiation of Podemos, which was formally left out, and with the accession of Más País.

The war that never ends

The fight could have stopped here but far from subsiding, when the polls warn that Vox is strong in Andalusia before the next elections on June 19, the knives keep flying. For Andalusia, he first appealed, successfully, to the Electoral Board for the distribution of public funds for the campaign. He managed to get Teresa Rodríguez, alleging that as a non-attached deputy she represented an extra-parliamentary force, to be left out of the advances of the money that will later be audited by the Chamber of Accounts. All the money that the party will receive based on its representation in the last elections will go to Por Andalucía.

The new chapter refers to the coverage in the public media and the distribution of the parties in the campaign blocks. He appealed first to Vox and Andaluces Levantaos and at the last moment he did so for Andalusia, demanding that Teresa Rodríguez also be left out of these electoral spaces. The appeal, which must be resolved by the Electoral Board, refers to the plan presented by Canal Sur but there will also be an appeal, the term expires on Monday, which has been designed by RTVE. Two debates of all the candidates are foreseen during the campaign.

“A favor” to Vox

The response of the former leader of Podemos was forceful. She accused Por Andalucía, to whom she proposed a non-aggression pact at the beginning of the campaign, of “doing a favor to the extreme right” by excluding her from the debates. In Rodríguez’s team they believed that there could be a truce. They hoped that the internal war would not lead to the veto of the Adelante Andalucía candidate, but they were wrong. Bordering the deadline, at noon on Friday, the coalition of IU, Podemos and Más País aligned itself with Vox and with Andaluces Levantaos with a recourse to the distribution of spaces in the public media.

The issue of money, 255,000 euros that Adelante Andalucía had requested from the total amount allocated to the left, went more unnoticed. From the beginning, Teresa Rodríguez admitted that she was preparing a campaign without resources. That amount is an advance that must then be returned based on the seats obtained. The calculation was made with an estimate of 11 deputies, those who went to Adelante Andalucía. The most optimistic polls give this party a seat for Cádiz. Many polls predict that won’t get representation.

In the Upper House, Adelante Andalucía works in a confederal group with a senator by regional appointment, Pilar González, who has forged ties and alliances with parties such as Més Per Mallorca, Más Madrid, Compromís, Geroa Bai and the Socialist Association of La Gomera, and where the senators, explain sources from the group, work “with generosity and camaraderie”, each one from their own space, from the defense of the interests of their territory, but in good harmony, giving each other quotas for questions or initiatives, in short, ” helping each other”, as claimed as a formula for collaboration by the left.
