And Just Like That 2: the first two episodes, the review

Lto second season Of And Just Like Thatsystematic squeezing project of glorious series on Sky streaming on NOW every Friday, start with some sex. Carrie Bradshaw and the other two, indeed, the other five protagonists (Samantha will be back for a cameo), they enter the stage heading towards their respective bedrooms, where there is a man, sometimes even a husband, ready to perform. It’s an introduction that does heir to season one some justice Sex And The City, started with Big dead on the treadmill, continued with a mourning where the deceased communicated with the widow via abat-jour, and ended with Carrie throwing the ashes into the Seine. Not in jeans but in a cloud of taffeta (I suppose), because in Paris everyone walks in Haute Couture.

“And just like that 2”, the teaser trailer of the second season

Without to forget Miranda leaving with Che Diaz (Sara Ramirez) for Los Angeles after ditching Steve and son. Perhaps the sequel’s most sensational nonsense: SATC’s smartest character blithely declaring that he “lives in a rom-com.” Of course it could have been a form of revenge by the authors: turning Miranda into Carrie going to Paris with Alexander Petrovsky (after she’d seen all the crap). But it could also be bad writing. Along with the idea of ​​alcoholic Miranda. Miranda having sex with Che while Carrie sleeps six feet away. AND Miranda student who misspells the pronouns of classmates.

Changes, including the entrances of Seema, Nya and Lisathe new black friends, who needed to patch up the excessive non-inclusion of the original series, the showrunner said Michael Patrick King. Times have changed, true, and how they are. One of Charlotte’s daughters changes her name from Rose to Rock. However, between supporting normalization at the bar counter and seeing their series turned upside down, fans have chosen fierce criticism. Except make it one of the most successful sequel-reboot eversimultaneously on the side of Kim Cattrall, at home laughing at the three former colleagues, and on the side of the show equal to a highway accident to be observed by slowing down.

And Just Like That 2: the first two episodes

Adjusted the shot, judging by the first two episodes, that luxury bubble always disproportionate due to disregard of the reality principle now it is soft and restful like the effect of magical drops. Everything flows without particular friction and sensational twists. Even if the writing recovers in boldness, with some puns that wake up with a start from the torpor of the styling, the substance of the story is – even more than in the past – the fable. With Manhattan not the same place as any western city center, a shopping center dotted with apartments for very rich women who change their look and hairstyle every 5 minutes. Suffering from impediments and laughable dilemmas, exposed with the phlegm of a color analysis test, and the same sense of the ridiculous.

It is television from Rsa purissima, the one that, commenting on Emily in ParisThe New Yorker labeled in 2020 as «ambient tv»: products on which it is not essential to maintain attention; just turn on the stream and come back to it every now and then, or just listen to it. AND And Just Like That 2 it’s a bit like that.

However, the first novelty is that of Carrie who goes back to bed with a man: it is Franklyn, the producer of the podcast Sex And The City; their ritual and break through the bed base every Thursday, fully dressed. But, of course, she doesn’t want to take the dating to another level (He ran the risk of being happy). Miranda (the only nude in the series) gets used to a strap-on and then performs oral sex on Che through her underwear (the budget for the CGI all went into purses). In the madness of the move she appears awkward, willing, basically likeable.

Stanfordgood soul, “come back to life” as a kimono supplier from Tokyowhere he lives after his divorce from Anthony, still Charlotte’s Jiminy Cricket. No mention of Mr. Big (who yesterday, in the guise of Chris Noth, denied the rumors – following the allegations of sexual harassment – of having been defenestrated from the history of the series, and from every event connected to its promotion).

Nicole Ari Parker (Lisa), Sarah Jessica Parker, Kristin Davis and Karen Pittman (Nya). (Sky)

At the Met Gala with a painful reuse

The fairy tale of the first episode is that of the Met Gala, theme “veil beauty”. Since the friends are “real people” on the level of doormen on Park Avenue, they go there anyway even if they are not allowed to climb the mythical ladder (no mention of the cost of the ticket; Marxist details dealt with only by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez). Before Carrie fall back on the infamous dress of the missed wedding with Bigthat of Vivienne Westwood, we find out from Anthony that men change (sorry My Martiniyou were wrong).

I am no more, says the stylist turned baker, of the objects to take to bed, they have feelings. And you Carrie can’t use Franklyn in this way. Nothing, an adult can’t even have fun with another consenting adult. The other embarrassing moment is experienced by Miranda who, rejected by Che without really knowing why, he finally discovers that the non-binary lover has been put on a diet by the pilot team, the reason for the couple’s move to Los Angeles. And in short, the embarrassment was so overwhelming that she didn’t want Miranda to touch her vilified body.

Sara Ramirez (Che) and Cynthia Nixon. (Sky)

And she, a single lawyer who bought a house with an unmarried mortgagewhich was held a son arrived from the cross between her underproduction of eggs and Steve’s only functioning testicle, he doesn’t say to her: «are you seriously whining about this?». No, she hugs her like a rehab guest does.

Meanwhile, a Valentino commercial is staged in New York: Lisa crossing Manhattan in a red dress with a train and a “helmet” of petals (an investment to pass through the side door of the Met).

Pigeon bag and spot to lubricate the vagina

The second episode is the one where Carrie carries around a pigeon-bag (more correct to call it a clutch) by JW Anderson. Already seen a year in photos stolen from the set. However, the protagonist is Charlotte, traumatized by Lily (the adopted daughter) who has sold half a designer wardrobe to buy a new pianola. With which he composes a protest song against parents and capitalism.

Once the pigeon has been put away, it’s time for Carrie to say no to a spot on vaginal problems of a certain age to be included in the podcast, with Franklyn try to rewrite it without wanting: not even a day later, the head of all the recording studios, a girl who had invited the writer who rose to fame with a column on sex to record it without a fuss because it affects everyone’s workplace (the famous podcast business that turns everyone into millionaires), welcomes the couple in a now abandoned space: «I told you not to be a princess», he yells at her. The other, absolutely mortified for all the people on foot for not having pronounced «vagina», she gives up Franklin thus recovering on Thursday.

In Los Angeles Miranda loses her cell phone while cleaning the beach like a good New Californian. Back home with Che’s ex-husband, still married to him/her.

Sarah Jessica Parker and John Corbett on the set of “And Just Like That 2”. (Getty Images)

To these slender stories of Carrie, Miranda and Charlotte, contributions from Seema, Lisa and Nya are added. Equally negligible and flat, such as the locations, the cocktails, the dialogues light years away from the formula of Sex And The City. Where in 30 minutes almost everything became memorable.

While here, 50 of us remain glued to Lisa’s bossy mother-in-law arriving in town; For Nya’s lover who would like a warmer relationship and is on the verge of betraying her; for Seema who dumps her lover twice and still lives with her ex.

Aidan and Samantha are coming

Of Kim Cattrall’s cameo, a phone call with Carrie after a thousand messages exchanged on Whatsappmuch has been said and very little is known. About how the meeting with Aidan Shaw will play out, named after Big buried in the Seine and the Russian Alexander not even considered, even less so. It is worth mentioning that, he was last seen in SATC 6, with his son Tate harnessed to his body. Son who should now be at the university.

No news in which episodes they will appear. What is certain is that, with mobile phone in hand, take-aways arriving, 800 sites and social networks open, we spectators of the RSA will not miss any move.

