And again the school is wrong

Again something went wrong with the new construction of primary school Tweemaster-Kameleon in Oost-Souburg in Zeeland. In May it turned out that the new school building had been built the wrong way round, turned 180 degrees, so that all the stairs were wrong and the childcare ended up in the parking lot. This summer everything was torn down and rebuilt the other way around. But on Wednesday there was another problem: the school is a few meters too close to the street.

How could this have happened? “Yes, we would all like to know that”, says Mirjam Jongejan, spokesperson for the municipality of Vlissingen. “But the most important question now is: what next? The school is not where it should be, that’s for sure. But exactly how wrong he is is still under investigation. And also what we should do about it.”

On Wednesday, the alderman had a consultation about this with “a number of partners from the construction industry”, which will continue on Thursday. The municipality announced last week that the students of Tweemaster-Kameleon will not be able to move into their new building until April at the earliest.

emergency building

In the meantime, they have been living in an emergency building for a year and a half. Initially they were supposed to move into the new building after the Christmas holidays, but whether April will be reached is now also uncertain. “Murphy’s Law”, the president of the umbrella organization under which the school falls – Archipelago Schools – explained the situation local media.

Residents of the Jan de Priesterstraat, on which the new building is located, wait patiently. They were informed of the omission by municipal letter on Wednesday. “It makes a difference,” says a 71-year-old resident, that it concerns “system construction”. “A matter of loosening nuts and bolts and towing them away, like a Meccano house.” The construction workers, he saw from his window, had put all materials aside and then rebuilt the school neatly. The job was completed in six weeks. “Without grumbling.”
