Analysis: State student funding hardly plays a role

GÜTERSLOH (dpa-AFX) – According to a study, around five out of six students nationwide do not use Bafög, state loans or scholarships. Instead, financial support from parents and part-time jobs are the most important sources of student financing, according to an analysis published on Friday by the CHE Center for University Development. “The fact that at least 84 percent of students in Germany are now unable or unwilling to use state support offers to finance their studies shows the urgent need for reform,” emphasized study author Ulrich Müller in Gütersloh.

The state offers are of little significance for most of the almost three million students currently in existence; there is an urgent need for action. “If we leave the student financing system in Germany as it currently is, student success in the future will increasingly depend on whether you have rich parents or are enrolled in a flexible course of study that is compatible with part-time work,” criticized Müller, according to the statement . “Neither has much to do with equal participation in higher education.”/wa/DP/jha
