Ana Zivkovic: “Without feminism there is no machismo”

Let’s play an infinite game.

It has different characteristics from the finite one in which you know when it starts and ends, there is a winner and a loser, it includes competition and there are rules and sanctions that the players accept. On the other hand, the infinite game has known and unknown players, there are neither exact rules nor laws for everyone alike and it is possible to pass the level when greater consciousness is accessed.

In the infinite game, energy is presented in a dual way and divides into two polarities: feminine-masculine, masculine-female, and on this planet, the playing field, we have learned to call it gender.

Since in this game nothing is ever what it seems, every feminine includes a masculine and every masculine includes a feminine. When the masculine has his feminine integrated, he understands his freedom, which at times could have been mistaken for licentiousness, and embraces his strength with tenderness.

When the feminine has her masculine integrated, she understands her creative power, which at times could have been confused with manipulation, and she consciously assumes her magic.

The abuse hurts the woman. And the exclusion hurts the man.

It hurts the man to have been the perpetrator of murders when he did not want it, still housing the memory of his own and inherited traumas. He wants to feel the most noble and invisible aspects of him, but he doesn’t know how. These men, today, are affected by the trauma of women who still do not take care of themselves, because they did not integrate their father. The biological model of alpha male that he hunts and breeding female that he gathers has to evolve.

We need spaces for individual reflection. Heal individual and tribal trauma and meet another who is an absolute mirror. Opposites are integrated into the gaze without judgment. What would it be like to find ourselves in the beautiful vertigo of common ground with unconditional love, first towards oneself? There is an order in love that, by itself, is amorphous, but that takes the form of our unconscious.

We are all humanity and we have more of the same than of different. Everything that is from the skin to the outside is different and at the same time an extension of the observer that I am. We are spirit in a biological expression that can evolve. What would it be like to give birth to ourselves with pleasure having healed the wounds of the soul?: betrayal, abandonment, rejection, humiliation and injustice.

Women, how many times have we been unfair to ourselves by not respecting our cycle, when we don’t listen to our body and don’t give ourselves what we need? We carry a painful ancestral silence that is lodged even in our bones. What suffered pain learned to defend itself. The defense helped us survive and protected the core from that pain.

The defense system, to open up and heal, needs to trust. Let’s regain confidence in ourselves by supporting and inspiring each other among women, let’s be mutual medicine and cross the threshold. Let’s recover respect for processes.

Immersed in the culture of on demand and delivery we want everything now. Immediacy and productivity are a legacy of the patriarchal system. We, from the love of our own processes, of our own “cyclicality” can teach the world something different that we need to incorporate, recover, remember and learn. All.

We have disconnected from nature. The cities made us forget to look at the stars, to observe the cycles, to remind us of part of a larger ecosystem.

What integration dissolves is the distortion that kills. To embrace the ineffable, one must first become human. Put reason aside, let the inner sun shine, rewire the system. Women, unconsciously, have allowed ourselves to be put in the place of the object. The idea of ​​sexuality that we have was perverted by biology when it only dealt with survival. We become too basic by leaving aside the sacredness of sexuality that goes far beyond genitality and reproduction.

I see myself as a man, if I look at only one face. And I see myself as a woman, if I look at only one face. Together we are the same coin. It is the opportunity for the fusion of complementary opposites for the most efficient elevation of consciousness. Looking in the mirror with self-love to then look without judgment at everything else.

When a woman lives consciously on fire with passion and life, the contribution she makes to the lineage is an improvement in energy flow and life force.

We need to deprogram the collective unconscious, both feminine and masculine. The values ​​a woman chooses are the values ​​on which a society is built. If we reject the masculine, we cannot take our place. We define ourselves by complementary opposite. More if we reject the feminine, we are leading to our own death. We are killing ourselves every moment, unnecessarily. We are letting ourselves die.

We must become polar opposites by cooperating, not competing. Recognizing that we are not without the other. That we can empower ourselves instead of destroying ourselves.

Assume the same original energy. Wouldn’t that be a nice game? Because there is no feminism without machismo, nor machismo without feminism.

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