Ana Rosa’s congratulations to Pedro Sánchez for his ‘no’ birthday: “He has received a gift from Vox”

02/28/2023 at 11:07


The presenter assured that the far-right formation registered a “boomerang” motion of censure against the Prime Minister

Ana Rosa Quintana dedicated a peculiar congratulations to Pedro Sanchez at the start of this Tuesday’s delivery of ‘AR’ on the occasion of his “non-birthday” (February 29). The presenter did not forget this important date to start her editorial, which once again had a critical tone towards him: “The president was born in a leap year and, although there is no day this year, he has received a gift from Vox in the form of a motion of censorship, which is a trip to nowhere”.

After talking about ‘Tito Berni’ and the plot of the Mediator case, the journalist described the motion of censure that Vox had registered against Pedro Sánchez in Congress as a “boomerang”: “A motion that the Government has turned into a reversible weapon against the opposition“.

“Moncloa will try to get the motion closer to the May elections to camouflage the ‘Tito Berni’ case and the rulings of the ‘Only yes is yes’ law. With an initiative that is not going anywhere, they are going to try ignore Vox and strike down the PP for abstaining. Two for the price of one,” said Ana Rosa in this part of her editorial.

In addition to this subject, the presenter also dealt with the interview that Pedro Sánchez had given to Pedro Piqueras, focusing especially on his criticism of certain irony in his statements about Law of ‘only yes is yes’: “The General Council of the Judiciary points out that this ‘very good’ law, in five months, has benefited 646 rapists and has released 65”.

“But let’s not focus on the 662 beneficiaries, let’s do it on the 646 affected. It’s called revictimization. Double victims. From his aggressors and from a government law. That really deserves a motion of censure,” Ana Rosa said.
