Ana Rosa Quintana’s comment on Vox’s drift: “I don’t understand it…”

Act. at 1:22 p.m.


Ana Rosa Quintana has analyzed the investiture debate of Pedro Sánchez in ‘TardeAR’

During his analysis, he had some words about the attitude of Santiago Abascal’s party

Ana Rosa Quintana has analyzed in ‘TardeAR’ the investiture debate of Pedro Sanchez. The presenter dedicated the entire afternoon time slot of Telecinco to give her opinion on current political events in our country. During her analysis, she once again gave her opinion about the leader of the Spanish Socialist Worker’s Partybut he also had some words for Santiago Abascal.

The deputies of Vox They had left Congress to meet with protesters. A group of 150 people who were at the doors of the parliamentary building. “There were 150 protesters, but now Abascal has gone with all the deputies and is heating up the atmosphere a little”the presenter began by saying.

Next, the communicator reflected on the attitude of the far-right party: “Forgive me, I do not understand Vox’s drift. I do not understand it, I do not share it, I do not understand it. I think it does not benefit the vast majority of Spaniards who are peacefully demonstrating against the amnesty”.

“I don’t think I know what’s happening in that game and it really seems worrying to me”said Ana Rosa forcefully. “There are only the figures left who defend that Vox has to be the new Falange”said one of the program’s collaborators.
