An overview: this will change in 2023 for Zoetermeer residents

Municipal taxes are rising

Zoetermeer residents with owner-occupied homes pay municipal taxes. The amount of these taxes differs every year and unfortunately for this group of Zoetermeer residents the amount will increase on 1 January. Taxes and levies will go up by 11.5 percent!

Real estate tax, water board tax, sewage law and waste levy: all housing costs are rising for both tenants and home owners. At the end of February, the envelope with the bill will land on your doormat again. Want to know more about rising housing costs? Then read this premium item from AD Zoetermeer.

Too much OZB paid back

A small bright spot: it turns out that we paid too much property tax in 2022. After a miscalculation last year, the municipality decided to return 1.35 million euros to us. That is a nice stroke of luck: the amount is settled with the new assessment. The exact amount is not yet known, but it will be an average of 11 euros per household. Learn more about this topic? Then read this premium item from AD Zoetermeer.

Photo: in the neighborhood of Zoetermeer
