an outpouring of solidarity from businesses to support refugees

As Russia continues its assaults in an attempt to seize Kiev, many companies around the world have decided to show their support for the refugees who leave Ukraine because of the war.

Tesla Superchargers go free near the Ukrainian border

In France, the four major operators (SFR, Orange, Bouygues Telecom and Free Mobile) are taking steps to reduce the cost of calls and SMS to Ukraine, or to offer them. Retroactive measures until February 21, 2022 for Bouygues Telecom, three days before the start of hostilities in the country. For his part Gregory Rabuel, the CEO of SFR explained that he wanted “facilitate subscribers’ communications with their loved ones by making calls and SMS sent since Monday, February 21 to Ukrainian landlines and mobiles free, for at least 3 weeks”.

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Other companies have also expressed their support for Ukraine in this conflict which opposes it to Russia. This is the case of Tesla which has indicated than its Superchargers located near the Ukrainian border will offer free charging for electric vehicles. The American company says it wants to support refugees who leave the country following the invasion of Russia. Owners of Tesla electric vehicles and others will therefore be able to use the stations in Trzebownisko, Poland, Košice, Slovakia, and Miskolc and Debrecen in Hungary for free for several weeks.

Airbnb wants to house 100,000 refugees from Ukraine

Airbnb also has makes announcements to facilitate the departure of the Ukrainians. The company has announced that it wants to offer temporary accommodation to 100,000 Ukrainian refugees. Currently, more than 500,000 Ukrainians have already fled since the start of the war. Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Nations said on Monday that Kiev still hopes for a diplomatic resolution with Russia, even if Moscow sends more troops and weapons to its border. To go further, Airbnb seek the help of hosts who offer properties for rent on the platform.

Brian Chesky, co-founder and CEO of Airbnb, said that “We need help to achieve this goal. We are looking for hosts willing to offer their homes for a few nights in neighboring countries, including Poland, Germany, Hungary and Romania”. Airbnb had already carried out a similar operation to house 21,000 Afghan refugees. Overall, 54,000 refugees have already benefited from this programme. Refugees from Syria, Venezuela or Afghanistan, over the past five years.
