an investment education platform that finds stocks and deciphers them

When you want to invest in the stock market, it is not always easy to know where to start. What are the most profitable companies? On which stock market is it better to start? So many questions that require many hours of research to find answers. To make your first investments easier, there are Tykr. The tool guides users through their journey by finding stocks for sale and explaining why they should or should not invest.

An easy-to-use tool

Tykr is a platform designed for investment beginners. From the “Education” tab, it is possible to train using the many educational resources available. There are some to understand the basics of investing, or on specific themes. Webinars and podcasts are also offered.

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Illustration: Tykr.

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Illustration: Tykr.

On the “Explore” tab, the user finds a complete dashboard with all the metrics on companies listed on the stock market. We find the price of shares, the various stock markets (more than 30,000 are available on Tykr) or even the most listed companies. This information is essential to understand where to start investing. The advantage is that the platform indicates whether it makes sense to invest in a company or if the price is too high.

By clicking on the name of a company, it is possible to have a graph on the evolution of the price of its shares. Tykr also indicates a score: the higher it is, the safer the investment seems. This is one of the most important data to know if it is relevant to invest or not. It is also worth considering the other diagrams offered by the platform, in particular that of the return on investment (ROI), the evolution of the company’s turnover and the safety margin. To avoid taking unnecessary risks, an algorithm also analyzes the financial health of the organization.

If some terms may seem a little vague at first glance, don’t panic, Tykr explains each of them in an understandable way. In this way, it is not necessary to seek information on the web, because each element is centralized and commented. This saves time, especially in stock analysis, which initially takes several hours.

Currently, the tool is priced at $119 for life instead of $900 on the AppSumo marketplace. The offer provides access to all the features of the platform.

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