An intense hailstorm hits the coast of Catalonia

The forecasts have been right again, and after a long period of drought the rains are back again. This Thursday, an intense hail storm has hit the coastal and pre-coastal regions of Catalonia, hitting especially in the regions of Moianès, el Bages and Berguedà in the late afternoon. Likewise, as the night has advanced, the clouds have unloaded in the regions of the Maresme and La Selva.

The Servei Meteorològic de Catalunya (Meteocat) has issued a warning for danger of heavy rains of moderate level (1/6) from this Thursday afternoon to Friday afternoon with the possibility of heavy rain exceeding 20mm in 30 minutes and locally accompanied by hail.

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Several users have shared through their social networks how the rain has affected their municipalities.

Forecast for Friday

The regions affected this Friday morning will be those close to the coast of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area, then the storm will move to the eastern half of Catalonia and, at night, it will end in the regions of the Tarragona coast.
