An expert warns about Tiktok: "I cannot recommend”

Tiktok collects more data from its users than its competitors, which is difficult to accept under the guise of improving the user experience. The security of Tiktok has been brought up in recent days. Information security expert Jarno Ahlsrtöm of the information security company Check Point considers downloading Tiktok to be a risk, like downloading any social service application, if you want to take care of your privacy. In addition, Tiktok collects more data than its competitors, which according to Ahlström cannot be considered to improve the user experience, as the company itself expresses. Ahlström previously commented on the case in which the invited guests of Prime Minister Sanna Marin (sd) Kesäranta had published content on Tiktok, which caused a data security risk. Ahlström brought up, for example, the possibility of influencing information.
