An expert predicts heat waves of up to 50 degrees in Spain

07/03/2022 at 09:17


Temperature rise of up to two degrees is “almost guaranteed” by 2040

The territorial delegate in the Valencian Community of the State Meteorological Agency (Aemet), Jorge Tamayo, warns that until 2040 the increase in temperature is almost guaranteed between 1.8 and 2 degrees, and if no measures are adopted it could reach six degrees. In Spain, heat waves of up to 50 degrees could be suffered.

Tamayo appeared this Friday in the special study commission of Les Corts Valencianes on measures to prevent the risks derived from strong storms and pointed out that, regardless of the measures we adopt now to mitigate the effects of climate change, the temperature will continue to rise until the years 2030 and 2040, due to the inertia of the previous years.

“Whatever we do, now we are going to suffer 20 more years of high temperatures because we are living from what we broadcast before and we are talking about time horizons that many of us are going to live through,” he added.

Tamayo therefore insists that “we have to try to mitigate these emissions”, because climate change “It is not something that is going to happen, it is something that is already happening and it will continue to do so and we must try to alleviate that level of occurrence”.

Jorge Tamayo, in his appearance | Eph

The expert points out that the climate “is clearly changing and we are observing it”, with the rise in average temperature, more intense rainfall, tropical nights -above 20 degrees- that have gone from about ten a year to practically the whole summer -between 80 and 90 nights- and the temperature of the sea water has also increased, reports Efe.

“All this has to do with the fact that there is more energy in the atmosphere and makes the phenomena more violent,” he explains, and gives the example of the Gloria storm (January 2020), which was extraordinary due to the maritime storm, with waves of 8.5 meters (the highest since 1956), intense snowfall in the interior and gusts of wind of more than 100 kilometers per hour accompanied by record rainfall in a hundred years in areas such as Ontinyent.

According to Tamayo, until now there is great coherence between what is being observed and what the prediction models tell us, which is that the temperature is going to increase and the forecast is that the more intense precipitations will also do so.

“If temperatures rise, the normal thing is that the adverse effects continue to increase. Globally the planet will warm up, there will be more energy and more intense storms,” ​​he added.

“Heat waves with temperatures of up to 50 degrees in Spain & rdquor;

“Heat waves are going to be much more intense and we may start talking about heat waves of temperatures of 50 degrees” in Spain, he warns.

Remember that last year in the Alaskan area temperatures reached almost 40 degrees and this Thursday in Lapland it was 34 or 35 degrees, which shows that “something is happening here”.

The mitigation of this situation, he adds, depends on applying the measures that scientists defend, applying the protocols against climate change, such as the Paris Agreement, and lowering greenhouse gases. Measures, in short, “political, economic and technological”, concludes Tamayo.


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