An eviction in L’Hospitalet ends with a child under 8 years old on the street and two arrested

The Mossos d’Esquadra have executed this Wednesday, October 5, a evict a family in a situation of vulnerability – made up of a man, his wife and a child under eight– at number 6 Miraflors avenue in L’Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelonès), in the La Florida neighbourhood.

The eviction is over two people arrested: AI, who had lived in the flat for more than 10 years, and her 18-year-old son AIB, who lives in another flat with his mother and sister.

According to different sources, in the eviction process, AI He has self-harmed by hitting his head against a window. Thus, according to the Mossos d’Equadra, AI “has tried to attack the agents” and, in the case of the son, from Mossos they say that he “has given them blows”.

From AI’s family, present in the process, they deny these facts and explain that AI “has become nervous” and, after hitting the glass, the two older sons have tried to stop the father so that he would not continue injuring himself and that, then, the agents have detained them both.

My father was with the crystal on his neck and then on his chestHe has not attacked them. They have also been about to stop me, but in the end they haven’t. And my brother was only screaming because my 8-year-old stepbrother was witnessing the events & rdquor ;, asserts Dina, the eldest daughter of AI, who remarks that both she and her brother have received “blows” by the Catalan police after trying to stop his father.

Transfer to El Prat

Once the eviction was carried out, the family, leaving all the bags and objects that they had been able to take out in the portal, went to the Hospital Social Services offices to try to achieve a emergency solution.

From the City Council of L’Hospitalet they explain that the family was “controlled by the municipal Social Services & rdquor; and that, as the owner is a large fork, they have opened a sanctioning file for not having negotiated a social rent.

Dinah comments that his brother has been released this Wednesday and that they expect their father to do the same. Thus, throughout the day, he has been able to speak with his father on the phone, who has explained that they have taken him to the CAP, they have cured him and that they have given him a painkiller.

Finally, in the case of your stepmotherYT, who has collapsed going down to the portal and taking his things out of the elevator, has left with the minor to his sister’s house, in El Prat. With regard to the father, the L’Hospitalet City Council indicates that, once he is released, he will be offered a Temporary relocation in the Els Alps hostel.

No problems until 2019

The eviction has caught neighbors and acquaintances by surprise, who have explained how the family had been rooted in the neighborhood for years and that it was not conflictive. According to Dina, they were also caught by surprise by the eviction: “They notified us yesterday, when they took a report to Habitatge, that at 12 noon on the same day the eviction was due, but we managed to postpone it for 24 hours.”

From the Union of Llogaters of L’Hospitalet and Dina herself They explain that AI separated from his then wife -mother of Dina and AIB- in 2014 and that, at that time, AI managed to sign a social rental contract for 200 euros a month with BBVA to continue residing in the same apartment after also signing the dation in payment.

So were AI, his second wife and his third son “without problems & rdquor; until 2019, when they stopped paying. “The he swears and perjures that he was going to the cashier to enterbut since 2019 the account where he entered was blocked & rdquor ;, they point out from the Sindicat.

alleged scam

“In 2019 he they changed the code of the bank and we wrote to the head office, but they never responded”, comments Dina. At the beginning of March, continues Dina, AI went to an oral trial for the non-payments, but did so without a lawyer and they gave him “a deadline for your court-appointed lawyer to file an appeal“. “The lawyer presented it, but they denied it and never told him. He told my father that the process had been paralyzed, “he adds.

“From Habitatge they were asking him for papers and among them, the vulnerability report from Social Services. Between May and June he presented it to the social worker, but it was never sent to Habitatge,” says Dina. “Since June We have tried to contact the social worker, without successuntil last Friday they called my father to come that same day to the Habitatge de L’Hospitalet office”, he continues.

According to Dina, in Habitatge they were notified of the eviction launch, but they commented that “it was paralyzed”. However, they arrived at this Monday, October 3, when “the social worker calls to present the necessary documents to write a new vulnerability report.” Despite sending it to the respective lawyers, Dina points out that Social Services urged her to go first thing Tuesday morning to “deliver it to the Habitatge lawyer in hand just in case.”

When we went to Habitatge to deliver the report, “they told us that the eviction was scheduled for that same day at 12 noon. We managed to postpone it 24 hoursbut today it has already been executed”.

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For its part, from the Sindicat de Llogaters they explain that, in addition, there has been an “advice problem” and that “a couple of neighborhood swindlers to which they went He told them that everything was already arranged, but it was not like that”. In this way, they regret that the case had not come to them earlier: “Perhaps we would not have been able to stop it, but we could have looked at more options & rdquor ;.

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