An entire family rescued from rubble in Syria

With the passing of the hours the hopes of find survivors alive but under the debristhey are still trapped hundreds of people after the earthquake that shook southern Turkey and northern Syria this Monday and has already claimed more than 11,600 lives. Despite the cold and complications, emergency teams work against the clock to get the survivors out from under the ruins.

In one of these rescue operations, the white helmets deployed in the affected areas of Syria have managed to save an entire family that was trapped under the rubble of what was their home just a few days ago. “Allah is great! Miracle!”, those who were impatiently waiting for the rescue burst into shouts. In total, the death toll throughout the country now stands at 2,662 and the number of injured at 4,985.

Throughout the region, thousands of houses and buildings have been destroyed, leaving thousands of homeless people. Low temperatures aggravate the situation. Many inhabitants remain outdoors and many others sleep in their cars for fear of new aftershocks that have occurred until yesterday.

badly affected area

In the images you can see how those who were there celebrate each of the extractions. First the father is rescued, then the children and finally the mother, who, although she appears covered with a blanket, is alive more than a day and a half after the earthquake. Everyone is quickly moved to a ambulance where they were later treated.

This particular rescue took place in the area of ​​the northwestern Syria, a territory under the control of rebel groups and one of the most affected territories in the country given its proximity to the southern part of Turkey where the earthquake originated. to this area no help has arrived yet in the last three days despite repeated calls to put politics aside in the face of humanitarian need.

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Neighbors, local fighters and rescuers from the so-called White Helmets carry out rescue operations in areas of the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo in the hands of the opposition, the most affected and where more than 4 million people already dependent on humanitarian assistance before. The authorities responsible for the border crossing of Bab al-Hawawhich links Idlib with Turkey and the only way of entry of supplies to these opposition areas, assured today in a statement that “no aid from any entity, be it from the UN or from outside, has reached the liberated areas of northwestern Syria. from the ONU”.

The distribution of aid to these areas is often complex because a myriad of insurgent groups operate there, in the case of Idlib mainly the Levant Liberation Agency, an Islamist alliance that includes the Syrian ex-affiliate of Al Qaeda, formerly called al Nusra Front.
