An energy factor of 8,000 euros, can it really? Where are we here?

The door log in Oekraïne provides for excessive energy prices. Op the long term, the prices are higher, but the reason for this is that it is not normal in the old town.

Jeroen van Horenbeek in Stavros Kelepouris

The energieprijzen gaan door het dak. Now the spans between Russia and the West are now open, the prices rise to levels that were totally unthinkable to date. In Het Laatste Nieuws According to Kris Voorspools, energy expert from 70Gigawatt Consulting, that means that the price for the year will be 8,000 euros for the electricity and gas costs. This is for the most people on Betaalbaar.

The cijfers van Voorspools zijn weliswaar a boutade. The prices that apply to the international markets are paid for, for the most part. Maar het is all kept in steen beitelld dat de tarieven zo hoog Zullen blijven. Op de toonaangvende Europese aardgasbeurs, de Nederlandse Title Transfer Facility (TTF), will be charged boven de 300 euro per megawatt hour. A day later the price for the teruggevallen was around 200 euros. In the long term, it will be sent to about 70 euros, until the end of 2023.

Tot daar het ‘goede’ nieuws. Want also 70 euro per megawattuur is a prijs the een jaar gegegen all alarms zou hebben doen afgaan – in maart 2021 schommelde de prijs rond 17 euro. At the end of the monitoring of the TTF-beurs, the price is first and only one hele poos zullen stagnant around 200 euros before the incets. Differently shown: Europe can be better if a new reality, with structurally higher energy tariffs then in that case.

Oorlog in Oekraïne

Where are we here? A seed loop from omstandigheden. Om te will begin campaign Europe beginning 2021 with the location of gas reserves, which will raakten in de zomer onvoldoende aangevuld. Daar kwam de economic relation post-corona bovenop. Wereldwijd most productieketens overruns, with an enormous amount of energy tot followed. En hoe hoger de vraag, hoe hoger de prijzen.

Bovendien weigerde Russia sea gas te leveren, wardoor de prijs nog verder steeg. Europe is about 40 percent of the energy available from Russia. Het zorgde ervoor dat anad 2021 energie plots will be nimble duurder. How did the army think that the first eighth of the rug was what was going on when Russia besloot Buurland Oekraïne within the valley. It was the beginning of a large economic stand-off between Russia and the West.

Germany prints the pauzeknop in for the belangrijke nieuws gas supply Nord Stream 2, which will bring even more Russian gas to Europe most. In America, there were three open weekends with an oil embargo in Russia, anticipating the international markets in a gas embargo in the West as an answer to the Kremlin – a huge peak beginning this week. En het van de panic op de markten is not in no way nu American President Joe Biden declared an oil embargo afkonted.

Intussen suggests Russia om de gaskraan naar Europa meteen helemaal dicht te draaien. For Europe, there is a three-way street for energy supply from Russia to the Bouwen. Daarvoor kijkt het in the first place after investing in own, renewable energy. The middle of the insulation and due to the technology as a warm temperature pump means Europe in the toekomst also consumes less energy. En met strategic reserves should be avoided before any problems arise.

Iran and Venezuela

De Europese Unie will meet with hair plans near Tegen 2030 from the Russian gas af. It is only when the weather is west that there is a chance for the grilling of Vladimir Poetin. Not for the first time in the United States of America there are openings planned for Iran and Venezuela, two of which will end up in the economics of the world market that will take place on a mountain of oil in gas.

For gezinnen en bedrijven is the bitter reality that de energiefactuur nog een hele poos erg hoog zal blijven. Less gas and electricity is used in a logical way from the outside of the building, but this is not evident. The federal government regulates that the cooperation between the people and the people in the state is nimble, and there are very few maatregelen that are de facto printed.

Buiten een verlaging van de btw op elektriciteit en gas lijkt he really never veel moving sea. Veelzeggend: het oude adagium van de energiefactuur as ‘verkapte belastingbrief’ gaat anno 2022 niet meer op. In January, that year was 56 percent higher than the energy consumption.

Europe has to be sure that overheden diep in the building Zullen must touch om de people ter hulp te schieten, and that also de own planning not goedkoop Zullen zijn. The Europese Commissie suggests that the amount of money paid may be due to the large amount of wind after the energy consumption. Also a maximum price for energy due to the possible amount. Daarnaast zal Brussel zich flexibly opstellen bij staatssteun voor bedrijven, het.
