An amusing moment during the tour of France – A cyclist’s crime was caught on camera

According to the sheet metal police, the competitors of the Tour de France were pushing too hard.

The pace of the main group of the Tour de France was too fast. PDO

On the last stage of the Tour of France, we saw a really funny situation, when the pace of the main group got a little too fast on the downhill. The speed camera on the side of the road was alert to the situation and snapped a picture of the speeding cyclists.

If you can’t see the embed on your device, you can watch it from here.

A similar situation has been seen at least once before, when the same camera recorded the speeding of the main group in the 2021 Tour de France.

If you can’t see the embed on your device, you can watch it from here.

In previous years, top cyclists have even reached a top speed of more than 100 km/h in the long downhill sections of the Tour de France. Cyclists did not go nearly as fast in front of the speed camera in question.

The top speeds of the cyclists of the Tour of France are around 40 km/h. The camera was preceded by a downhill, so it is likely that the speed has been slightly faster than the average speed.
