An alleged jihadist with manuals to make explosives is arrested in Madrid


Act at 11:25


The The National Police has arrested a converted Spanish citizen in the town of Las Rozas (Madrid), highly radicalized in the postulates jihadists, that he had already been in prison and that last month he left a backpack with Daesh-related material, explosives manufacturing manuals and various weapons.

As reported by the General Directorate of the Police, the detainee has already had been arrested in December 2020 for the same crimes that are now imputed to him, terrorist self-indoctrination and self-training.

Sources close to the investigation have detailed to Efe that the 38-year-old suspect He was released from prison in January after serving the stipulated provisional prison and was awaiting trial for the events for which he was arrested two years ago also in Las Rozas.

Specifically, this Wednesday he was arrested by agents of the General Information Police Station of the National Police in a house where he lived as a squat.

After his passage to the judicial disposition of the Court of Instruction number 6 of the National Court, late this Thursday afternoon the magistrate decreed his entry into prison.

A suspicious backpack

It was last month when a citizen alerted the guards of a shopping center of the discovery of a suspicious backpack in a locker.

The security service of the establishment notified the National Police who inspected the backpack, which contained numerous material in favor of Daesh, notes on the manufacture of explosive and incendiary devices, as well as various electronic devices, a knife and some nunchucks (traditional weapon of Asian martial arts formed by two short sticks joined at their ends by a rope or chain).

Later, the agents confirmed that the backpack belonged to the now detainee, who, after his first release from prison, had not moved away from the postulates terrorists.

rapid radicalization

In fact, his first arrest in December 2020 was motivated after investigators found that the suspect had processed a rapid radicalization through the self-consumption of terrorist content on the internet.

In fact, after several months of investigations, they verified that the individual had undergone a radical change in his way of life, with intense activity on social networks, with contacts, even, with jihadist fighters located in conflict zones.

He regularly commented praising the mujahideen and justifying terrorist attacks perpetrated in Europe, such as the beheading of a French professor in October 2020.

In an already very severe stage of radicalization, in the opinion of specialists in the fight against terrorism, the suspect came to show his willingness to travel to Syria to become “Daesh’s best sniper”.
