An advent calendar to support Unicef

THEn occasion of World Children’s Rights DayCorriere della Sera presents its Advent calendar 2023 for UNICEF which will be on newsstands from Friday 24 November, for a week. With the contribution of just 2 euros you will receive a double gift dedicated to the psychosocial well-being of children and adolescents.

Living under the bombs in Gaza: the social reportage of the Palestinian journalist

With this initiative, now in its fourth edition and supported by Banor, – a company specialized in capital management and consultancy on large assets for institutional investors, private individuals and entrepreneurial families – readers will be able to give the colorful and instructive 2023 calendar to their children, grandchildren and young friendswhich, together with the famous and much loved “Formiche” by Fabio Vettori, will accompany them day after day to discover 24 useful tips to improve your psychosocial well-being.

Help for children in the Middle East

Each Corriere della Sera 2023 Advent calendar will also contribute to UNICEF’s activities for the well-being of children in conflict-affected areas in the Middle East, through essential services, psychosocial support and emergency supplies to support minors and their families.

«This year, with UNICEF, we light up a beacon on mental well-being, an essential asset for our health, which we all have a duty to protect, with particular attention to children and adolescents, who are always the most exposed to the negative effects resulting from adverse events. The post-Covid pandemic data confirms this, which, at a global level, indicates that 1 in 7 minors between the ages of 10 and 19 suffer from mental disorders diagnosable, of which 40% represented by anxiety and depression. Or the World Health Organization, which estimates that 22% of people in conflict suffer from mental health disorders.” – explains Luciano Fontana, director of Corriere della Sera – «With this calendar we therefore have the dual objective of contributing to UNICEF’s activities in support of the many children so severely affected by the conflict that began last October 7 in the Middle East and of providing our young people useful and easily applicable suggestions to support their psychosocial well-being”.

«I thank Corriere della Sera and Banor for being alongside UNICEF again this year on the side of the most vulnerable boys and girls» – he declared Carmela Pace, President of UNICEF Italy – «Thanks to this initiative it will be possible to help many minors traumatized by the horrors of the ongoing conflict. In response to this emergency, UNICEF has already provided life-saving aid and has also reached 3,500 children in Gaza, helping them overcome trauma with child protection services, mental health and psychosocial support.”

«This year too, our support for UNICEF and in particular for the families involved in the conflict in the Middle East, is confirmation of the social role we play, as a company and as a group of individuals: our work consists in creating sustainable value not only for our customers, but also for the society we live in” – states Massimiliano Cagliero, CEO of Banor SIM. – «To achieve this objective, every gesture, even the smallest, can concretely contribute to fueling the common good».

Now in its fourth year, the initiative has been widely shared and supported by readers, who with the three previous editions of the Corriere della Sera Advent Calendar, have allowed UNICEF, year after year, to provide life-saving treatments to 600 children (2020), specific food supplements for 37,846 children affected by a food emergency (2021) e clean water for a year for 654,054 children (2022).

