An Adecco research: the dream job? The psychologist

molta more attention to psycho-physical well-being, the appeal of the legal professions and the forces of order decreases. A search for Adhere, a company of The Adecco Group that develops human capital, puts the spotlight on the professions most desired by Italians today, and compares them with those desired 10 years ago. And there are many new things.

A psychologist during a session. According to Adecco research, the work of a psychologist is one of the most coveted by Italians. Getty Images

Covid has changed us, it has made us more attentive to health and well-being but also more fragile and in need of psychological help. It is no coincidence that, compared to 10 years ago, interest in the professions of doctor and nurse has risen by 85% and 39%. The one for a figure we realized we needed the most was even stronger: the psychologist, +148%. But the strongest growth is that of the nutritionist, a profession that until a few years ago was for the few: +349%.

The past is of much less interest, especially if it is far away: with -51% the interest in the figure of the archaeologist decreases, the appeal of the journalist also decreases by 9%. In reality writing is enjoyed, even if not for the media, and above all many Italians believe they know how to do it and can live with it: there is a +75% who would like to be a writer for a living and even a +123 would like to teach.

Population of poets and storytellers perhaps, but no more than singers: those interested in this profession are collapsing (-50%) while influencers are booming (+505%)although the comparison is impossible, because 10 years ago there were none, or they were in their infancy.

One certainty is the interest in notaries (+116%), perhaps seen as safer and more reassuring than judges (-20) and lawyers (-28). Carabinieri (-42%) and policemen (-21), and even firefighters (-32%) no longer make us dream, despite being figures so loved by children. Let’s just hope that, in the next 10 years, there will be a rethink.

