Amy Schumer wants to stay open about her beauty operations

Comedian Amy Schumer says she ended up in liposuction as a result of endometriosis and post-pregnancy changes.

Comedian Amy Schumer has spoken much in public in favor of body positivity. Adela Loconte / Shutterstock, AOP

Comedian actress Amy Schumer, 40, says in a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter that she does not regret her liposuction. Schumer also explains why he has wanted to be so open about the public.

– Everyone who works in front of the camera does this, I want to be honest about it, says the comedian, referring to the prevalence of beauty surgeries.

Schumer had her firstborn in 2019. She says the changes after pregnancy were one of the reasons she ended up with liposuction.

– There’s no need to play it, because I’ve never been famous because I’m hot. I ended up in a situation where I was tired of looking at myself in the mirror.

Schumer already reported his liposuction in January on his popular Instagram account. A little later, he opened more mission backgrounds for the comedian Chelsea Handler in a podcast interview. In the podcast episode, she also said that a severe pregnancy and endometriosis made her consider surgery.

Endometriosis caused Schumer so much pain that he had to remove his uterus and appendix. After the procedure, she decided on liposuction.

– I wanted to tell you because if someone sees pictures of me and thinks, “he looks leaner” or something, it’s because I’ve been to the operation, ”Schumer told Handler.

In the past, the comedian has also openly told about other beauty measures he has gone through. Last year, Schumer tried the fillers but eventually went to remove the fillers.

– I got tired of taking fillings. Thank God it is possible to remove them, I looked like a villain, the woman said, referring to the Disney movie character.

Source: Huffpost
