Amy Schumer received numerous death threats

Not everyone could stand the joke of the presenter at the expense of Kirsten Dunst.

Amy Schumer has received sad feedback. AOP

Amy Schumer, 40, was one of the presenters of this year’s Oscar gala.

However, the speeches of the comedian did not please everyone.

Schumer joked on stage at the Oscars, among other things Kirsten Dunstin at the expense of.

He claimed Dunst to be a “bench user,” or a person who sits as a kind of stuffing in the place of an actual gala guest while he or she goes to the toilet or somewhere else in the middle of the gala. Bench users ensure that the hall looks full on TV images at all times.

Some thought Schumer went too far in his joke. The presenter defended himself in the stories of his Instagram immediately after the Oscar gala, stating that the joke was pre-scripted and Dunst was aware of it.

However, Schumer’s jokes aroused so much rage that he received several death threats.

– The threats went so that I was contacted about the secret service. I already thought they probably have the wrong number. I’m Amy and not Will. Feminine hatred is just amazing, Schumer said Howard Sternin in the radio program.

At Will, he referred To Will Smithwhich would hit an Oscar gala winner Chris Rockia face.

The presenter says he has made sure in advance that all the subjects of his joke are fit.

Schumer also threw a joke at the actor, among others Leonardo DiCaprion young girlfriends. This had suited DiCaprio and the joke did not cause a stir.

Sources: Dailymail, Variety
