Amsterdam City Swim a great success again: “I went into the water with tears in my eyes”

The tenth edition of the Amsterdam City Swim was a success. Today, about two thousand people covered a route of more than two kilometers, from Keizersgracht to the Marineterrein, to raise money for the ALS foundation.

Early on, the participants were eager to dive into the water. For many swimmers and supporters, the City Swim is a loaded event. Everyone has their own reason for participating: “On a day like today it is extra emotional, because of course we think about him a lot”, says a participant whose friend suffers from the muscle disease ALS. Many groups join together for friends or relatives.

A number of well-known Dutch people also swim with it for charity, including Thomas Acda: “I also skated on the canals, so this is the other side for once”. When they come out of the water, many of the participants are relieved: “It was very beautiful, I went into the water with tears in my eyes,” said one swimmer.

More than a million

Two women say they only get emotional at the start: “Our father passed away sixteen years ago, so we weren’t really tense. But if you’re standing on the side and it almost starts, it will come in anyway.” Her sister adds: “It’s nice that everyone shares the same feeling”.

Like every year, the City Swim has raised many donations for scientific research into ALS, the counter now stands at more than one million euros. “My sister is swimming because our mother has ALS and to raise funds because there is no cure yet,” said one of the supporters on the side of the finish line. “It really touches me that so many people make this journey.”
