Ampel wants to repeat the federal elections in Berlin in 431 constituencies

From BZ/dpa

The traffic light factions want the Bundestag elections from September last year to be repeated in Berlin because of the numerous shortcomings in 431 electoral districts.

This emerges from a joint statement by their first parliamentary directors – Katja Mast (SPD), Irene Mihalic (Greens) and Johannes Vogel (FDP) – on Wednesday. The parliamentary election examination committee should make a corresponding recommendation to the Bundestag this Thursday. The Bundestag should then discuss this recommendation on November 10th or 11th.

Where the election is repeated, it should be done with the same ballot papers as the original election, the statement said. This would mean that citizens could again cast a first and a second vote.

“We want to repeat the Bundestag elections where citizens were actually unable to cast their votes due to electoral errors that were found,” said the three representatives of the traffic light coalition. Unlike the Federal Returning Officer, they wanted to catch up on the elections in all constituencies where voting errors were found in the twelve Berlin constituencies and not just in the six constituencies attacked by the Federal Returning Officer.
