Ampel no longer wants to change the content of the Building Energy Act

BERLIN (dpa-AFX) – The traffic light coalition wants its Building Energy Act (GEG) to be finally discussed and passed in unchanged form in the Bundestag in September. The leader of the Greens parliamentary group, Katharina Dröge, ruled out any changes to the content on Thursday in Berlin. “We have discussed this law so intensively that we are also very sure that we want to pass this law.” Craftsmen and real estate owners thus received planning security.

The coalition factions want to apply for the next regular session week of the Bundestag in early September to put the second and third reading of the GEG on the agenda, as the faction leaders of the SPD, Greens and FDP announced in Berlin. On Wednesday, the Federal Constitutional Court prohibited a final deliberation and passage of the law this week because it had doubts that the rights of the deputies would be adequately protected in the deliberations.

A special session of the Bundestag during the parliamentary summer break was also considered, said Dröge. “However, we are already seeing again that this question of a special session is also becoming the subject of the most intense political and sometimes heated debates. And from our point of view, it is necessary to protect parliamentary consultation processes a bit.”/sk/DP/men
