Among the top model search participants, one immediately rose above the others

One of the participants of the “Huippumalli haussa” program already impressed the main judge of the program in the first episode.

Leevi makes an impression right away in the first episode of the new season of the program “Huippumalli haussa”. Anni Suikkanen

The main judge of the Hüipupmalli haussa series is a model who has also tried her hand at the program Saara Sihvonen. When Sihvosen and the presenter of the program, For Veronica Verho presented in the first episode of the program on Wednesday, the participants of the new season, no confusion was spared.

When the 26-year-old from Helsinki Levi stepped in front of the camera, both Sihvonen and Veron were overwhelmed by confusion.

– I do music, modeling, acting, all that art stuff. Here I am, this is who I am. Today I put on such a funny taxi driver trick because I was interested, Leevi stated in the episode.

After Leevi’s introduction, Verho and Sihvonen did not spare their words.

– Leevi is wonderful! The curtain glowed.

– Meijä’s taxi driver, Sihvonen stumbled.

Leevi himself appeared modestly in front of the camera.

– I’m like an onion that peels little by little. There are always some surprises, Leevi stated.

Sihvonen said in the program that Leevi combines several traits that are valued in the modeling world.

– I have a weakness for people like this who know how to laugh at themselves. I can clearly see that he has an acting background. He was able to throw himself into the situation in an insane way, and he is really androgynous. I have quite a wow feeling. We are there with high fashion when I look at Leevi, Sihvonen stated.

Looking for a top model from Monday to Thursday at MTV Katsomo. You can find all program information for streaming services at Telku.

Saara Sihvonen tells what feelings and memories being the main judge and mentor of the Top Model haussa program evokes. Matti Matikainen
