Amin Asika is once again blunted in the Special Forces series.

The candidate faces heavy physical agitation and violent swamp fighting.

Celebrities are put at the end of the march to fight in the swamp for the ring. Jere Hietala

In the recent episode of the Special Forces series, candidates are set to march for a distance of 15 miles.

The task should be completed in full equipment and in less than three hours. Several celebrities are punished with extra weight in the backpack bricks.

The first break is taken after 50 minutes. In order for the candidates to complete the task on time, they are allowed to remove the bricks from their rucksacks.

Ex-boxer Amin Asikainen has trouble fitting the canoe bag back into the backpack. Head instructor Janne Lehtonen tells others to help Asika.

– We’re on a special course. At that point, the goddamn must know that the square does not go in from the round, Lehtonen blurs.

The heavy march ends in a swamp where a team competition is in store. The task is to fight for the ring and get it on its side.

Asikainen repeatedly lies down in the task and cannot move with the tire.

– Now you don’t go to lie on your stomach again, Lehtonen shouts.

– Do something now!

– Don’t lie in it now, trainers Petition and Knutti shout.

After the assignment, the trainers meet to consider the situation of candidate number nine, i.e. Asikainen.

– I think he should be sent home immediately. It is only incapable of operating according to the orders and instructions given, Knutti says.

The latest episode of the Special Forces series on Ruutu + on Monday mornings.

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