Amerikaanse right hand haaft pandemic measure the migrants tegenhoudt aan grens | Buitenland

A pandemic maat rule was applied to immigration from Mexico to the VS, there will be no further action. There was a federal right in Louisiana before that. Still, America’s President Joe Biden had decided to do so when the Maatregel wilde opheffen.

The legal discussion about the rule of the Americas gezondheidsdienst CDC, which states that the name is ‘Title 42’. The rule of law, which was published in 1893 in Het Leven, was geroepen om het land te beschermen tegen cholera en gele koorts, laat de Amerikaanse autoriteiten toe om de most migrants who illegally het land binnenkomen onmiddellijk terug te sturen. Because of this, the word is given after the verhoogde of gezondheidsrisico’s in the tide of a pandemic. Former President Donald Trump had in March 2020, at the beginning of the corona pandemic, a decision was taken on the regulation of the borders of the country’s largest te sluiten.

Het toepassen van ‘Title 42’ is therefore omstreden, omdat asielzoekers not de kans krijgen om een ​​aanvraag in te serve. Meanwhile, President Joe Biden had the rule of law against minors.

CDC had agreed that de beperking vanaf maandag 23 mei completely zou afgeschaft. There were even 24 states laid down on the right bank, with the verzoek om de Maatregel te Behouden. Right Robert Summerhays heeft hen vrijdag in het gelijk gesteld.

Het Amerikaanse Ministerie van Justitie liet vrijdag meteen weten in beroep te gaan tegen dejustelijke beslissing.

Human rights organizations had den opgeroepen tot de beëindiging van de beperking. He accuses the American government of causing the pandemic to be used as a reason for the masses that can be stubborn.

A total of missing people in Mexico passeert de 100,000
