Amerikaanse inflatie koelt af, maar minder now then watched

Volgens de Amerikaanse overheid bedroeg de inflation previous maand 8.3 percent on annual basis. In maart, the consumer prices in ‘s wereld’s largest economy still met 8.5 percent omhoog. That was the highest level in December 1981.

The economists had calculated that the increase in the inflation rate was 8.1 percent. American camps desonthanks nog altijd met fast prijsstijgingen en veel huishoudens zien hun koopkracht dalen door hoge brandstofprijzen. Ook levensmiddelen zijn duurder become door de oorlog in Oekraïne.

Door de high inflation wordt also de popularity van President Joe Biden ondermijnd. It is also stamped as the highest inland priority. The Americans will print their oil reserves in the petrol prices on the pompe.

pension hogging

The higher the inflation rate is, the Federal Reserve in Maart also started with the pension being increased with a quarterly percentage point. In April, the central bank decided to increase the rate of increase in rent from a half percentage point. That was the biggest rent-a-day in 2000. Fed-voorzitter Jerome Powell said that there were some future rent-a-time rent stages from a half percentage point on the table.

Powell declared the previous requirement that the inflation in the VS “veel te hoog is” and that the stable price het voornaamste doel zijn van de centrale bank. “Zonder prijsstabiliteit werkt de economy voor nobody.” The central bank president states that there is a risk of deduction from the geen recessie. Volgens Powell wants the real mogelijk zijn om an economic crime.


The German inflation rate is calculated in April for the two months against the right amount. The consumption price in Germany, the largest economy in Europe, is the previous figure with 7.8 percent, based on the number of taxpayers in Germany. The army states the inflation due to the bureau to which the highest level is the German version from 1990.

“What in April 2022 opvalt, zijn de bovengemiddelde stijgingen van de voedselprijzen”, aldus het bureau in a declaration. “Here was the following van de oorlog in Oekraïne steeds duidelijker zichtbaar.” In maart stegen the consumption price with 7.6 percent ten options of 2021.
