American tourists don’t like Buckingham Palace – it’s boring

IS the end of the Buckingham Palace myth? In the last months, attracted hundreds of negative comments online Queen Elizabeth’s number one residence. To sign them are above all American tourists, who in the end say they are baffled by the long-awaited experience. “It will be the most recognizable building in the world, but I found it rather boring,” concluded a disappointed tourist.

Queen Elizabeth appears on the balcony: the cheers of the crowd for the Jubilee

Buckingham Palace disappoints tourists

Visits with multimedia guide to Buckingham Palace, bookable in advance at a cost of 30 pounds (about 34 euros) per person, take place on a path limited to State Rooms, the sumptuous halls that usually host official banquets organized for presidents and heads of state. But they are defined by the Americans as “uninteresting” and in some cases even “tasty”.

The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Concert, June 4, 2022 (Getty Images)

“Don’t go if it’s raining!”

Some comments recently posted on Yelp, the American website for reviews on companies and services, they called the experience a “waste of time”, also reporting a disappointing disorganization on the part of those responsible for the visits. And the unfortunate tourists warn: “If it rains they make you wait outside for hours, and then announce the sudden cancellation of the visit.”

Not even a selfie at the court?

Among the most negative criticisms there is a particular prohibition: inside the rooms it is not allowed to take pictures. The Queen’s prestigious gift shop, they say, “only sells a series of expensive badges.” And what about the mini-route allowed to tourists in a high-rise with 775 rooms, a well of Royal history and an art collection of immeasurable value? “Too short!” Is the answer of many.

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