American teenager (13) saves school bus after driver faints | Abroad

A thirteen-year-old American boy who was on an overcrowded school bus has been able to avoid an accident with potentially dramatic consequences. He saw that the driver became unwell and had fainted behind the wheel, after which he was able to stop the bus.

“Dillon Reeves jumped right out of his seat, threw his pack away, ran forward and was able to take the wheel of the bus. He managed to stop the bus at full speed,” said Robert Livernois, Michigan public school administrator, at a news conference.

The driver of the bus drove about 60 students from Carter College back home to the town of Warren, in northern Detroit, on Wednesday. However, she lost consciousness during the ride, it was announced on Thursday evening.

In a video distributed by the authorities, the driver can be seen feeling bad and fainting. “I don’t feel well,” she says before swooning. The student then quickly takes over the wheel, pushes the brakes and, despite panic and amid screams from other children, manages to stop the bus. He then shouted to his classmates to call emergency services immediately. Emergency services and police immediately took care of the driver. She is doing well in the meantime, it sounds CNN.

“This student’s response has made a huge difference,” emphasizes Robert Livernois. “Dillon Reeves was able to prevent a very tragic accident from happening,” City Councilman Jonathan Lafferty later said on Facebook. The boy’s heartbroken parents, Steve and Ireta Reeves, called their son “a little hero” at the press conference.
